Hello boys and girls of TeamCCWA!!!*clangs cymbals and blows trumpets*Presenting our very own TeamCCWA BLOG!
*APPLAUSE*Everyone's invited to post stuff on this blog.
Hopefully, it can evolve into an active platform for online interaction within the team, since we get to see each other for only like...errr
...*lifts fingers* TWO PATHETIC DAYS A WEEK!For the benefit of those whose knowledge of putting up a blog post parallels their knowledge of say... quantum physics, I have taken the kind liberty
*cough cough* of including a crash course on blogging.
Here goes...
PAY ATTENTION!STEP 1Direct your brower to
http://www.blogger.comYou'll see the following page.

"teamccwa" in the username field and
"teamccwa" in the password field.
YES YES I KNOW that usernames and passwords ain't supposed to be exact replicas of one another...but then again...who cares? Even if you decide to get anal about it, what can you do? Smack me with your paddle?
STEP 2CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully overcame mentally exhausting step 1 and logged into blogger's mainframe. You should be greeted with the following screen next. Under blogs, click "teamccwa".
STEP 3To post a new blog entry, make sure the "posting" tab is active and then click on "create" or "create new post".
To edit a previous blog entry, click on "edit posts".
Here's where the fun really starts.
You can now begin composing your brilliant literary pieces.
It's pretty much straightfoward.
If you're feeling bored, blogger also presents you the wonderful options of changing font sizes until they become
RIDICULOUSLY HUGE . You can also dabble with font colours and do amazingly stupid things like using
brown text on a brown background just for the sake of irritating the shit out of your fellow team mates.Also can add hyperlinks and of course,
Feel free to throw in snazzy shots of..errm...anything la.
Your dead dog, dandruff flakes, torn undergarments, kinky bedroom toys, topless narccisistic self-potraits...anything really means anything. Like that then FUN ma!
Oh but then, strictly no sharing of porn here la.
If you really feel the compulsive urge to, do it privately.
There's always MSN baby. =p
Once you're done, just click on "publish post" and ta-dah, you've just become the proud owner of your very own blog entry.
Simple hor?
If you still catch no ball, then you can either read through the above again or gimme a call so I can whack you in the face with a cheap and heavy SDBA paddle, afterwhich you might hopefully be able to understand better. *kidding la*
So guys...
Share your life.
Boast to us how hard you've been slogging out on cardio, how you crushed your fingers at the gym doing pussy weights, how you fell off the boat into the murky waters of Kallang Basin while coxing (eh...sounds familiar...dunno why hor...). Or alternatively you could indulge us with details of your illicit relationships or bedroom details, if any.
Point being, keep this blog alive. Who care's if it's nonsense you're putting up. So long as we're entertained and that the team gets closer.
Also, at the conclusion of your entry, it might be nice to also sign off so that we know who out of the 30 members we have posted whatever you posted.
And being the nice people we are, provisions have also been made of democratic participation in discussion. =p
While reading off the blog at http://teamccwa.blogspot.com, you can post comments at the end of each blog entry, so if someone posts an entry publicly denouncing you or what not, you can conveniently skip the libel suit and post a counter-insult instantaneously.
Alternatively, comments also allow for...errrrm....scholarly and intellectual debates on ground-shaking issues such as determining who's the best looking member of the team or who rows like a pussy and what not.
Of course, other serious matters and announcements will still have to pass through our Yahoo Groups la.
That one no nonsense, cannot bypass hor.
Have a great time blogging!
Posted by: Wei Li